Chronic Procrastination

October 7, 2006

The Art of People Watching

Filed under: Uncategorized : i.e. Life — angelstorm21 @ 1:33 pm

I’ve never quite been able to grasp the concept of hand holding. I mean, if one person is incapable of walking by his or her self then yes, the act is a perfectly understandable one. However, linking arms or holding hands for any other reason seems to be an entirely pointless action. Is it supposed to demonstrate something to the world ? Is it a way of marking territory or illuminating a possession ? Is it simply done because convention states that it is what two people when they have achieved a certain state or crosses a particular threshold ? Whatever the reason, it is clearly not a dying practice – a single glance out of any car window on any main street and your eyes will meet with at least two people engaged in the act itself.

 Many of you are undoubtedly perplexed by these observations but I have become quite a seasoned professional in the art of people watching and hand-holding is becoming an issue of quite some concern. For example, in the event of a crowded street it becomes very difficult to manouver with an entire other person attached to one’s arm yet the arm-linkers and hand-holders insist on continuing with this unnatural action. I find this very puzzling indeed.

 I suppose now you’re wondering what ‘people-watching’ is exactly. No – it’s not stalking. It is simply the act of glancing onto a street and allowing oneself to make an assumption about the people that happen to be walking along that street at any particular moment. With some people, these assumptions are much easier to make than with others but in no case should a steriotype be used or a judgement ever be made. Just a simple glance and a whisp of imagination and you too can see the elderly gentleman who grew up in a time where suits were the proper thing to wear and has since grown so accustomed to them that he hardly wears anything else or the expectant mother moving from shop to shop in search of the perfect items for the soon-to-come addition to her family. A range of human emtotions are all there –  every street is an open vault that could show so much if only people took the time to look. So my advice for today . . . go out, look around you, pay attention to other people for once and then bask in the wonder of humanity. You never know, you might actually enjoy it! 🙂

October 3, 2006

What you should be doing. . .

Filed under: Tv — angelstorm21 @ 4:48 pm

So its recently been brought to my attention that so many of you are wasting your lives away, sitting at home and working or cooking or doing who knows what instead of entertaining yourselves with the endless torrent of excellent tv shows that are available for your viewing pleasure ! Ok, I know what you’re thinking – there’s so much out there you don’t know what to choose. Well yes, this is a problem for many but not for me. I know exactly what you should be watching and why. So if you’re ready strap yourselves in because you’re about to experience . . . the small screen (thats not nearly dramatic enough, I know – just imagine a huge drumroll and we’re there!)

 Let’s start things off with Monday. No longer should this day be met with the same amount of dread that it always was. Yes you’re going back to school/work but Monday offers an exciting list of shows that simply should not be missed. This brings me to the first show that deserves a mention and the attention of as many people as possible! The show is Prison Break (my 2nd favourite show) and unless you’ve seen The Shawshank Redemption i can gurantee that you’ve never seen anything like it ! Its fast paced, action packed and the fans just can get enough of it. Now if you’ve never seen it before you’ve got a lot of catching up to do but its ok ! I have faith in you – you can do it – go out and get Season 1 on DVD today !

Also on Mondays – what many are regarding as the “best new show this fall” we have Heroes. No matter what type of show you’re used to watching you must gamble a little and have a look at this one. After a very strong first two episodes fans are already suffering from withdrawl and crying out for more ! The good new here is that you’re pretty much just in time to see what promises to be an unmissable show from the very beginning.

 Now here’s one to look out for. Its called Runaway and its also just starting up. Granted, its not as good as the two shows I just mentioned but for now, its still worth a watch. Keep you’re eye out for this one guys because it promises to get better and better!

Now that you’re all set for Mondays, lets move on to Tuesdays shall we . . . To begin with we have the ever brilliant Gilmore Girls. Yes this season saw the departure of show creator Amy Sherman-Palladino but not to worry because the show has defiitely not lost its spark. Hugely driven by the refreshing acting talents of Lauren Graham this is definitely one not to miss!

Also on the CW we have the return of Veronica Mars this week. Definitely another one not to miss even if you haven’t seen the previous two seasons – tune in you just won’t be able to resit the charms of this modern day Nancy Drew!

Moving on now to the new and very original “Eureka” I’m sad to say that if this is the first that you’ve heard of the show you’ve sadly just missed the first season as the finale airs tonight but should the show come back then you must make an effort to check it out. It’s set in the town of Eureka where the world’s greatest scientists come together and attempt to further human knowledge of everything around them while coming up with inventions to make life better along the way. Of course, most  of these inventions take a turn for the worst and that’s where the Sherif comes in. The characters and the storylines are very refreshing and once again, very original.

Ok – on to Wednesday and the mention of my absolute favourite show, Bones. Yes it sounds gory but don’t let the name fool you. This is definitely a show to watch. Inspired by the life and work of real-life forensic anthropologist Kathy Reichs, this show managed to balance dark humour and quick with with action, mystry and emotionally touching story lines. How does it do all that ? Well with the help of some great acting and some great writing of course. Either way, its definitely one to check out.

What else is good on a Wednesday I hear you ask. Well, you’re in luck because this fall saw the start of what looks like a very promising new show, Jericho. After some terrorist attacks, the citizens of Jericho find themselves struggling to survive the after effects .

 Also on Wednesday you have One Tree Hill airing on the new CW network. Yes this show is back for its 4th year and promises to be more exciting than ever!

Also returning this week, the ever intreaguing Lost – yes I know we just can’t get enough of it – even if most of the time we have no idea about why things are happening . . . we couldn’t care less ! JJ Abrams is indeed a genius!

Moving on to Thursday we have another show from the mastermid otherwise known as JJ Abrams. Its new – its just started and already its caught the wind and its taking off ! Don’t let it go for too long before you watch it or you’d just be letting a great thing slip away. The show is Six Degrees and it deserves all the viewers it gets and more.

Also on today, the medical drama giant, the one that’s lasted though everything. . . ER ! It’s in its 13th year (lucky 13) – It always was a great show and its just getting better so don’t forget to tune in!

Another show to look out for on Thursdays is Ugly Betty – very much in the vain of the movie “the Devil wears Prada” you’ll either love this one or you’ll hate it. As for me . . . I haven’t decided yet.

Fridays and Saturdays are very slow days for television so – you have my official permission to go out !

But . . . we’re back on Sunday for the returning Desperate Housewives who’s antics are ever amusing and after a slight slump in the show’s quality last season they’re finally back and just as good as ever with the addition of Dougray Scott and a new young guy for the ladies . . . . 😉

Another medical drama not to miss today – Grey’s Anatomy. Who well Meredith choose ? The doctor or the vet ? Well I’m not going to tell you !! You should be watching !!

And that’s all folks ! So now you have no excuse not to watch these great shows . . . . go pick up your remote today! 🙂

September 30, 2006

“Hello . . . Is anybody there?”

Filed under: Uncategorized : i.e. Life — angelstorm21 @ 12:49 pm

Ok so I have a problem with horror movies. I can’t watch them any more because to me, they’re all the same. I mean sure, ok you have your different monsters or deamons or serial killers or psychos but basically practically everyone is going to die except for the 1 or 2 main characters and you can always tell who these are right from the very beginning because they seem to take the lead – to be naturally in charge of everyone else.

Whenever someone starts running from a “shadow” and they think they’ve outrun it so they slow down – its going to be right in front of them. If they go into some kind of haunted house as a group – they will get separated. Someone will always say “hello . . . is anyone there” thereby of course advertising their presence and their position to the bad guy. If there’s a noise from somewhere in the house – the person (usually a girl) will always walk towards it – supposedly to investigate – but really, why would someone walk towards a creepy sound when there’s a crazy person after them ? Thats right ! Its because they’re next in line to be killed ! Basements are always involved in someway or another either as a creepy lair or as a body chop shop or a work area full of creepy tools and of course someone will always discover it and guess who’s lurking in the shadows ? Thats right ! 10 points ! It’s the bad guy. So of course, the screaming begins as does the chase. Whoever is running will always trip at exactly the wrong moment – doors that are supposed to be opened will be locked causing even more panic and yes even more screaming. If the character has the bad luck to be out in a field – they’ll trip over a log or some over grown gas. If they’re almost home or just outside their door they’ll fumble for the keys – barely finding them in time and then trembling so much with fear that they can hardly get the right one into the lock. All this of course, allows the villan to catch up but to add more suspense, they usually make it into the house. Of course, the bad guy finds his own way in beause there’s no way that locks or alarm systems can hold out the modern day horror movie villan.

And then of course, there will be blood and guts and body parts being chopped of and medical tools and instruments from the past that have grown rusty over time. There will be chain saws and rusty chains and dirty ropes. There will be old trucks that don’t seem to work but they work well enough when the bad guy wants to use them. There will be darkness and strange noises. There will be teenagers that are drinking and sleeping together and just having an all around swell time until of course they all start to go missing and as they drop like flies the state of panic will increase culminating in a frantic dash to the end of the movie where the one or two people that convention allows to live will find a way to slay the monster and they will do it with a look of contempt and with fear, relief and disgust in their eyes. They will do it to survive and to avenge their dead friends and then they will drive off into the sunset and try to rebuild their lives as the end credits roll.

So yes readers, I have a problem with horror movies because to me they’re all the same. Ten minutes into a movie I can tell you who’s going to die and sometimes even in which order. But then at the end of the day, this seems to be what the people want to see. So the studios are more than happy to give it to them putting more and more ideas out there for the borderline psychos that actually exist and attempting to put the fear of God in their audience for maybe a moment or two. Well folks, if that’s really what you want . . . then good luck to ya – oh but the next time you come across a broken down old house in the middle of the woods somewhere . . . do yourself a kindness and don’t go in . . .  😉

September 28, 2006

Questioning the Universe.

Filed under: Uncategorized : i.e. Life — angelstorm21 @ 11:49 pm

Well, it’s another day and the pointless drivel continues. There have been a series of strange events today that have led me to question the universe.

 Of course, with a bold statement like that you’re expecting some sort of life affirming realisation or some astonishing discovery. Well you shall have to judge for yourselves as I relay the events in question.

While I was watching one of my favourite tv shows this morning (that’s a discussion for another day) the phone rang on the tv and just as it rang there my own phone rang. The ringing was simultaneous. OK I know what you’re thinking, “big deal, thats a coincedence!” and had this been the only strange occurance I would readily have agreed with you. I quickly forgot about it and went on my way.  Then later in the afternoon while I was watching another tv show the shot moved to someone knocking on the door and lo and behold I hear a knocking from somewhere else. Yes that’s right someone was at my door! The knocking was simultaneous ! Ok I hear you, still a coincedence – fair enough. Now consider this third event. While sitting comfortably and watching the newest episode of Jericho there was a lot of worry on the show about the iminent acid rain. Now just as it started to pour on screen, it started to pour in my town and it hasn’t rained here in months. So why now ? Why today ? Why that exact moment ?

Two occurances are a coincidence. Three are a pattern. Was the universe trying to tell me something ? Is my life somehow linked to the television ? Well for now, who knows ? I guess you’ll just have to stay tuned to find out . . . .

September 23, 2006

Introducing . . .

Filed under: Uncategorized : i.e. Life — angelstorm21 @ 7:41 pm

So since I’m just starting up with this blog – it feels as though some form of introduction is in order. Not an introduction of myself, persay because identity is irrelevant in the cyber space community – but more of an introduction to my blog.  

Of course I intend on being completely frivolous and entirely random with my blogs so if you’re a stickler for organisation or some sort of natural progression, I suggest you find reading material else where.

Let me give you an example of what I mean (just as a space filler of course) – I was just watching an advert on tv and I saw a kid on a pogo stick. I mean I’ve never quite grasped the concept of a pogo stick. What’s it’s purpose and why why why would someone want to jump up and down on the spot for any elongated period of time ? And also – if they’re going to jump up and down why do they need this strange instrument to assist them ? I mean I’m perfectly capable of jumping without a stick to help me ! I just don’t get it. Who on earth came up with the idea of the pogo stick any way ? And how would they have advertised it to begin with? “Buy a pogo stick and put an extra spring in your jump today!” Boy its a real wonder they haven’t disappeared into complete obscurity yet !

 So I used the dictionary today for the first time in a very long time and it felt very professional. I was leafing through thousands of those extra thin pages and I started to fell somewhat like a lawyer (or how I presume a lawyer must feel on occasion) while leafing through a stack of codes and regulations or maybe an over padded case file. In that state of mind I thought about relocating a spider that had taken up residence just outside my door. However, I could find niether a hard hat (because it is necessary for one to look professional while performing such tasks) nor a box small enough for the spider and all his belongings (i.e. his web) and so I left him and returned to my post in front of the computer. When I went out again a few hours later I noticed that he had taken it upon himself to move and so I would just like to take this moment to wish him well in all future endeavours.

 Well I believe that’s about it from me for now. I think I’ve given a very good demontration of what future blogs will be like and so we are now ready to go forth on this great adventure together. But you know what they say . . . “It ain’t over till the fat lady sings!” So . . . you imagine one and then we’re done here !

Hello world!

Filed under: Uncategorized : i.e. Life — angelstorm21 @ 6:16 pm

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